Second Edition

with Adobe® Creative Cloud

Foundations of Digital Art and Design with Adobe Creative Cloud, 2nd Ed. combines lessons in Bauhaus-inspired design principles and theories with histories and examples of digital art for learners using Adobe Creative Cloud. The text is organized into six topical sections including [1] Bits, Pixels, and Vectors, [2] Digital Photography, [3] Digital Manipulation and Free Fair Use, [4] Typography, [5] The Web, and [6] Effective Work Habits. Section introductions emphasize art and design concepts and chapter exercises explain the craft of design, spanning the software programs Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Bridge, InDesign, and Dreamweaver. Foundations of Digital Art and Design follows Burrough’s co-authored Digital Foundations and Visual Communication on the Web. All three books transform software training into a learning activity where fundamental design principles are synthesized with basic methodologies in Adobe applications.

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